Page:Peck o' maut.pdf/7

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You shall hae baith curds and whey,
And wealth o‘ flesh to your brochin,
Our lasses, with their spinning wheels,
I'm sure will keep you aye laughing.

We will wander up the hill,
To view the sheep and lambs sae bonnie,
Sae lassie now make no delay,
For I love thee best of ony.

I wad not like these highland glens,
So far awa amang the heather;
I could freely gang wi' thee,
But yet I darena for my mither.

I canna gang wi' thee laddie,
To the Highland glens laddie,
Nor to Breadalbane I’ll not go,
Your flocks to attend laddie.

For I do love those lowland vales,
Believe me lad I do not flatter,
To live between Dundee and Perth,
Or, at the mouth of Tay water.

Then farewell lass, since you'll nae gang,

But yet with all you are my deary,