Then hear, girl, my child; earth is not a good place, one is not happy, not happy because, it is said that there is only joy with fatigue, with sorrow in the land; so said the elders.
So that we were not always crying, so that the macehuales did not die from sorrow, our Lord gave us laughter the dream, carnal knowledge for reproduction, that intoxicates all life on earth, so that no one goes crying.
Because even when things are like that, even if so are things on earth, shall one hear and be frighten and live crying? Earth is for living, being chief, lord, noble, eagle, tiger. There are those who only are saying that such are things on earth, who only seek to die. But people act, live, construct, work, seeks a woman, he marries, she marries, they mature.

Now then, my girl, hear well, look calmly, here is your mother, your lady, from whose breast and womb you came, you detached, as a little dove, as a little plant you sprouted, you threw leaves, you flourished, as if you'd been asleep and woke.
Look, listen, understand, such are the things on earth. Do not just live anyhow, do not just go anywhere. How shall you live?, where shall you go? It is said, my girl, little dove, little one, that earth is really a difficult place, frightfully difficult…
Live in peace on earth, among the people, because you're a young woman; here is the work that you have to do: be devoted night and day, sighing many times for who is Night and Wind because, beg much of him, call him out loud, open your arms before him in your bedroom, when going to bed.
This page was originally published in Spanish, and is translated by Wikisource editors. It does not use the proofread page system traditionally; it is used to verify translation. Proofreading and validation must be done by editors who are fluent in both the original and the translated language. Follow the interwiki link under In other languages to view this page in Spanish. |