Page:Pedagogía Tolteca.djvu/46

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possible were the telpochcalli, the cuicacalli and the calmecac. But these institutions were administered and managed by teachers. This is the reason why, the teacher from immemorial time is an institution in itself, in a community, especially if it is indigenous or peasant.


In the Anáhuac the male-female relationship was of equality and complementing. Two examples may give light to understand this complex relationship of social balance.

The supreme divinity, absolute, unique and total, was unnamable and could not be represented, reason why it had no name, was only metaphorically called as "he for who one lives", "Night wind" invisible and impalpable, "he that is here and everywhere at the same time", omnipresent and omnipotent.

But the same supreme divinity in a "minor" deity was known as Ometeótl, understood as "the divine duality", where "Ometecutli" is from the two the Lord, "Ometecihuatl" of the two the Lady. That is, that the supreme divinity in a lower representation, was composed of a pair of complementing opposites. Man-woman, day-night, cold-hot, etc.

The other example is that the government responsibility rested with two people. The tlatoani (the one who speak) was who organized and cihuacoatl (female Serpent) was the administrator. This reflects the complementing dual vision of men and women. That is why, in education, gender held equal importance with different responsibilities and tasks, conceived differently but complementing.