not providing for it, was by selling newspapers.
Peewee sold his newspapers between four o'clock in the afternoon and seven—the hours during which children are not subject to interference by the authorities on the downtown streets. He could not sell them on the corners, which are places of proprietorial right and themselves are bought and sold; so he sold them in the middle of the block, where no supervision is exercised. His trade was mostly feminine. Whatever the boy's ancestry had been, he had a face which sent a pang to every childless woman's heart—a distinctive, unforgetable face, large violet eyes shaded by long lashes of deepest widow's black and a mouth of childish innocence. Dirt, to which he paid no heed, and disfiguring garments which had descended to him from some larger boy, could not make him unattractive to women. "Girls" of thirty, working in offices and living in clubs, went three blocks out of their way to buy their papers of him at night, and other women, passing to or from their limousines—women with clear eyes and transparent skins, giving out scents of perfumes and of furs—ex-