daughter—around as well as anybody would."
Peewee thrilled delightedly. Beman was not going to give him over to his father; he was going to bring Mrs. Markyn here. It was not wholly plain how Beman was going to accomplish this, but the old man's power was certain. Peewee would see Mrs. Markyn daily; they might possibly eat their meals together; she would come perhaps to kiss him good-night.
"You've considered the effect of this, of course?" This was his father.
"You mean the scandal? It ain't necessary there should be any scandal. I don't mind gossip by people who don't know what they're talking about."
"No; I mean the effect of this on her."
"Of course I have. I'll get my effect. She wouldn't believe any story against you merely by itself, and you've made her trust you so that the boy, without the story, isn't enough to make her suspect you. But she'll have to believe the two together, and by the Lord! I've got 'em both, and she'll believe because you won't be able to deny."