"Don't remember having a name given you in court?"
Peewee squirmed combatively. What did all this mean? Why was he expected to remember? He could not understand what was going on. "No, sir," he said.
"Don't remember this policeman taking you up?"
"No, sir."
"Don't remember being lost?"
Peewee looked at Mrs. Markyn. She was paler than before; her blue eyes were wide and fixed eagerly upon him. If she wanted him to remember, he wished that he could.
"Let me try with him," she said to Beman.
She drew him away from the old man and held him against her knee. Her touch, as always, filled him with incomprehensible feelings. He stared distrustfully at the men but pressed closer to her. She was affected, too; her hands shook as they clasped him, her temples whitened and her eyes shone nervously.
"We'll begin," she suggested, "with things that you do remember and see if then you can't