his mother, authority to make him accept this name whether he wanted to or not?
The human relations were obscure to him. He had known since he could first remember that he must at some time have had a mother and a father; but exactly what a mother and a father ought to be was something that experience had left indefinite and confused for him. His first feeling toward the woman he just had seen had been simply fear of her. He was not capable of understanding the less clear feelings which he had toward her now. He resented her calling him "baby," but at the same time something seemed swelling in his throat and choking him. So far as he could remember no one before had ever kissed him, the passionate kisses of the sick woman, burning still upon his lips and cheeks, made him uncomfortable and unhappy, without his knowing why they made him so. No one, he realized, was watching him at present and he could have walked out the door and gone away. He decided he would do that, but he sat still and did not go.
The colored girl, dressed now to go out, came