Peewee, his soaked shoes making no sound upon the polished stair-treads, ascended into a large, softly lighted hall above. Rooms, some dark, some softly lighted like the hall, opened on both sides. He listened; there was, so far as he could determine, no one in these rooms; the only sounds that came to him were the voices and laughter from below.
The phenomenon of rooms lighted but not occupied perplexed him and reassured him at the same time; he advanced to look in upon the room nearest on the left. The lamps shining through silk shades showed it, as he had felt sure it must be, unoccupied. He went in excitedly and moved about, touching and looking at the ornaments and trying and feeling of the furniture. He stopped and touched curiously the long nap of the silky rug. There was another lighted room