Exactly how, he wondered, was he related to her?
When the motor had gone away, he went to Clark Street and caught a "hitch" through downtown to Adams Street and another west almost to Halsted. Here he dropped down and took the sidewalk. This progression brought him to a stairway descending to a basement entrance. Pendant beside the entrance was a string of shoes—none new; above the doorway was a sign, "Shoes for One-legged Men Our Specialty," and beside the entrance hung shoes, not in pairs, but one by one.
At the stairfoot a Greek a little larger than a dwarf was patching shoes upon a cobbler's bench. In the room visible through the door an immense woman moved slowly about and four small children were playing with bits of leather on the floor.
Peewee sat down upon the upper step.
"Papoulas," he inquired, eyeing the children, "how many people make a family?"
The question appeared not fully plain to the Greek.