Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/112

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nersviUe. Indiana, December 19, 1826. His literary education was received at academical institntionB in Indiana, Michigan and Iowa, and his medical edncuti..n at Keokuk, Iowa, also at Long Island College Hospital, BrooKlyn, N Y he receiving the degree of M. D. in 1856. He began practice m Scott county Iowa, in 1855, remaining there until 1865, when he came to Oregon. Was Assistant Surgeon in First Oregon Cavalry and Surgeon in the First Ore-on Infantrv, serving until close of the rebellion, then locating m Salem, where he remained some time, and then opened an office in Portland and 8oon established a lucrative practice. His specialty is surgery, and he is accredited with having performed some extremely intricate and successful operations. He has twice been a delegate from the medical department of the Willamette University, of which he is the principal founder, to the American Medical Association. During 1870 and i871 he was associate editor of the " Oregon Medical and 3urgical Reporter," and from 1866 to 1870 was visiting physician at the Oregon State Penitentiary. He was for seven years the dean of the faculty of the Medical Department of the Wil- lamette University, and is at present Professor of Hygiene. He was Presi- dent of th« Oregon State Medical Society in 1879 and fourth Vice-President of the American Medical Association in 1881. Since the commencement of the new insane asylum l)uilding. Dr. Carpenter has, under the direction of the Board of Building Commissioners, superintended the arrangement of ventilation, light, etc., with the view of having the details of each depart- ment complete. As such officer he has shown a deep interest in the work, and has rendered valuable assistance to the Board, his suggestions being more valuable, in that he, at his own expense, visited all institutions of this character on the coast, for the purpose of more thoroughly posting himself on this subject. He was married in Iowa in 1850 to Miss S. A. Coshow, of Blue Orass, Scott county, and they have raised an interesting family. Po- litically speaking, the Doctor is a Repul)lican, and takes a lively interest in politics.

LUZERNE BESSER Is a gentleman who has distinguished himself more particularly in the mun- icipal affairs of Portland, and who, it is generally conceded, has but few superiors as a successful politician. He has, it is true, received an occa- sional back-set, although he has always managed to give his opponents a lively contest. He was born in the city of Buffalo, New York, on the 2.5th day f)f October, 1883, his parents being there on a visit at the time, their home being in Clark county, Illinois, where his father settled in 1818. His early days were spent on a farm and he had the advantages then afforded of attending a public school. He applied himself more especiiilly to the study of civil engineering, and taught school about three years, when his health failed and he was compelled to resign. Catching the western fever he in 18.52 married a most estimable lady in the person of Miss Sarah Lake, and at once started for Oregon with a view of making the then almost un- known country his future home. He arrived in Portland November 25, ■'a52, and in time assumed charge of the books in Mills ct B