Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/117

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mont iti Oregon City. He was dissatisfied, however, with his siu-cohn, and in 1854 he went to Rosebnrg, in Doxiglas county, where he has resided over since. The new mercantile firm of Abraham it IJmther fionrished prosper- ously. The firm paid strict attention to business, catering' carefnllv to the wants of trade, and their custon: increased rapidly. The firm sold out iu 1875 to A. F. Brown, for the purpose of taking a brief respite. With his characteristic energy, however, he soon wearied of a life of ease and inac- tivity, and in 1877 we again find him at the head of a magnificent mercan- tile hou«e, the firm then being Abraham, Wheeler Sc Co., which firm is to- day doing the ieaaing merca7]tile business of Southern Oregon. Their sales during the piesent year will no doubt aggregate S'20(),0()(). His luisineas connections are not confined to the mercantile trade by any means, he be- ing at present right-of-way agent and a heavy contractor, furnishing large amounts of lumber and material to the O. &: C. R. R. Co., to be used in the extension of their road through Soiithern Oregon. He also owns large tracts of land in Douglas county, which he is rapidly improving. He takes a lively interest in politics and in a quiet way is a powerful faction. His integrityis unquestioned and his credit is unlimited. He is undoubtedly one of the most sagacious business men on the Northwest coast, and evinces un- usual enterprise, tempered with judgment in the management of his affairs. He was married in 1861 to Miss Julia Hinkle, of D(niglas county, and is an honored member of the Masonic order and of the Odd Fellows. Would that Oreerou had a man like Sol. Abraham on every square mile of her broad domain.

PROF. J. H. BRENNER, " Mine host" of The Esmond, the leading hotel in Portland, was born iu San Francisco, Cal., November 7, 1854, and two years afterwards was brought to Oregon, where for many years the refreshing dews of Webfof)t imparted to him beauty, health, strength and wisdom, until he now deservedly ranks amongst the foremost of the distinguished men of this State. Almost from infancy he gave evidence of remarkable musical taste. At the age of six years he received his first instructions in harmony, and after a few years' close application became wxjnderfuUy proficient on almost every instrument - string, reed and brass. At the age of eleven he Avas sent tp the Lyceum at Strasbourg, and from thence to a noted Parisian college. During the few years spent in Europe he not only perfected his musical education, but also acquired a thorough knowledge of the French and Oermau languages, both of which he speaks fluently. Returning to Oregon in 1870, he entered active life as Professor of Music, established classes in Portland and in nearly every large town throughout the State, and soon became known as the most popular and thorough teacher in the profession, which honorable distinction he retained until he gave up that occupation in the spring of 188(1, to assist his father in the hotel business. Six weeks after The Esmond Hotel was opened to the public Mr. H. Brenner died, leaving his son to as- snme the responsibility of a new and important business. With that per- sistent energy which characterizes all of the young man's underta