Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/126

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acting Preaideut; 1868 to 1870, Rev. Nelson Rounds, D. D.; 1870 to 1871), T. M. Gatcb, Ph. D.; 1879 to 1880, Rev. Charles E. Lambert, A. M., B. ix; Since 1880, Rev. Thomas Van Scoy, A. M., B. D., has been President. The def,'reeB conferred in Willamette Univeisity on examination are, Bach- elor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science, Mistress of Eng- lish Literature and Doctor of Medicine,


Tlie uame of the subject of this sketch will be long remembered in the annala of this State. Hia positiveness of character and disposition have be- come proverbial, and when once his mind is made up on any subject it is next to an impossibility to change it. Like all pioneers to this coast who have emerged into public life, Mr. Xslly understands himself thoroughly, and dares to pursue a coiirse consistent with his ideas of right, in the face of any and all opposition, be it of a political or personal character. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, May 3, 1818, and came to Canada in 1838 and to Vermont in 1840. He went to Wisconsin in 1843, where he resided until 184(), when, the Mexican war breaking out, he enlisted in a Missouri cavalry company and served during the war. At its close, in 1849, he ac- companied the Mounted Rifles to this coast in the capacity of wagon master. In January, 1853, Mr. Kelly was married tn Miss Elizabeth Parker, and settled on a farm in the Umpqua valley. In 1861 he was appointed Register of Public Lauds at Roseburg, which position he filled with credit to himself and the government he represented for a period of eight years, and, declining a re-appoint mtnt, he returned to his farm. He afterwards moved to Lane county, where he continued to reside until 1876, when he was appointed Collector of Customs at Portland, which position he held until 1880. He proved a very efficient officer and gave very general satis- faction to the business men of this city with whom the business of his office brought him in almost daily contact. Mr. Kelly is a man something below the mciium height, rather heavy built, and a ruddy, healthy complexion. He is a very sociable gentleman and a pronounced Republican, and, as such, has always taken* a lively interest in politics. He is the personification of industry and activity in whatever he undertakes, and, as a friend or neigh- bor, he stands high with his fellow-men.


A well-known and popular physician of Salem, and one whose kind, atten- tive treatment of the sick and geniality of manner towards the well have made him deservedly the favorite of all classes, was born in Stillisville, In- diana, April 23, 1839, where he resided until he was about eleven years of age, when with his parents he moved to Iowa and worked on the farm. By dint of teaching through the summers he was enabled to attend school during the winter months. He came to Oregon in 1863 and settled in Yamhill county. He studied medicine at Fort YamMll until 1866, and af- terwards attended lectures at Toland College, San Francis