Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/137

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majority. Mr. Humphrey is a prominent Mason, with the rank of Past Master in the Bhie Lodfje and P. H. P. in the cliapter. In 1K54 he was married to Miss Martha Wills, of Monroe county, Iowa, and their family at present consists of three children. Mr. Humphrey is a plain, every-day sort of a man, of a little more than ordinary heig'ht, ruddy complexion, broad-shouldered, and a lover of the good things of this world. Ho is an exponent of the eternal principles of the unterrihed Democracy, and is a successful politician. His generosity and good nature are greatly in excess of his income, and were it not for the will power of the man over liimself, he would be poverty-stricken to-day. He is plain and imassuming and makes friends rapidly.


One of the leading attorneys of Oregon, and a well-known resident of Port- land, was born in Tennessee in 1844, and with his parents came to Oregon in 1852 and settled in the woods in Clackamas county, where they endured the hardships and privations of a pioneer's life. He was raised on the farm and followed the plow until along in 1860, when he went to Portland and commenced learning the printer's trade and worked for about three years and a half on the old " Oregon Farmer." He succeeded in laying by suffi- cient money to pay his expenses during his somewhat protracted attend- ance at the Portland academj'. He commenced reading law in 1866 under the late Hon. David Logan, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. He was a member of the Portland City Council from 1872 to 1875, and in 1877 was appointed City Attorney, which office he held until the Common Council accepted his resignation in 1882. During his incumbency in this office, his official acts never failed to receive the unqualified endorsement of all good citizens, as he was ever zealous and conscientious in the discharge of his duties, acting ever without fear or favor, and enforcing to the utmost of his ability the strict letter of the law. He, since his resignation of that office, has actively resumed the practice of law and has at once stepped back into the prominent position heretofore held by him. As an attorney, he has few superiors on this coast, and a client's case in his hands receives and secures at the hands of the court all the merit it demands. Mr. Moreland is a Re- publican and takes an active interest in politics. He was married in 1S67 to Miss Abbie B. Kline, and they have three children. Mr. Moreland is a pleasant-appearing gentleman, slight build, of medium height, prominent features, brown hair and whiskers, and a clear, expressive eye. He has not yet reached the meridian of life and his era of usefulness has but barely commenced.


The subject of the following sketch was born January 23, 1826, in West- moreland county, Penn. In 1838 he removed to Elkhart county, ludiani^ and in 1850 he came to Oregon, arriving at Oregon City, October 7th, and re- maining there until the following March, when he removed to Marion coun- ty, settling at Fairfield, his donation claim embracing the presen