Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/142

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Illiuois, where he married his present estimable companion, Miss Louisa Wilkersou. As the result of this union, the Doctor has three daughters, each of whom is receiving, or has already received, the benefits derived from a collegiate course of instruction. In 1864 the Governor of Illinois offered Dr. Adams a commission as surgeon in a cavalry regiment which he ac- cepted and again entered the army work. His health continued poor, and as a sanitary measure he came to the Pacific Coast, where he has gradually improved until he is now robust and hearty. Dr. Adams holds a diploma in regular graduation from the Missouri Medical College, and several State diplomas, and is now United States pension surgeon by appointment of the Secretary of War. He is building up a lucrative practice in Marion county, where, by bis strict attention to the requirements of the profes- sion, he has won the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends. The Doctor is hale and hearty, weighing ove." two hundred pounds, and his geni- ality and conviviality are proverbial.

ANDREW LOCKHART. This young gentleman is the clerk of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Although this clerkship is by far the most important among all the com- mittees, Mr. Lockhart is well qualified to discharge its arduous duties in a satisfactory manner. He is well educated, and has the great advantage of being a printer by trade. He was born in Coos county in the y ear 1861, at- tended the county schools and afterwards graduated from Heald's Business College, San Francisco, thus obtaining a thorough commercial education. After leaving the college he entered the office of the " Coos Bay News," where he learned his trade as a printer, and was afterwards associated with Messrs. G. Webster and J. Harker in the publication of the " Coast Mail," in Marshfield, Coos county. In 1881 he was appointed Deputy U. S. Col- lector for the southern district of Oregon. He is at present studying law and will soon be admitted to practice.


The present Grand Eecorder of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. of Ore- gon and Washington Territory, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, No- vember 4, 1842, and with his parents came to California wheie "Bob," as he is familiarly known, completed his education in the San Francisco High School, and afterwards learned the book binder's trade. In 1864, owing to failing health, he visited the Sandwich Islands, where he was married to Miss E. S. Whiteus September 29, 1868. He settled in Doug- las county in 1873, where for several years he was interested in the news- • paper business. In 1877 he went into law partnership with Hon. L. F. Lane, afterwards member of Congress from Oregon, and opened a law office in Roseburg, where he continued in business until elected Grand Recorder m July, 1881. Mr. Newcomb is prominently connected with several fra- ternal organizations, being Grand Senior Steward Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. of Oregon, Grand Vice Chancellor of the Grand Lodge Knights of