Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/150

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literary and musical circles. He was elected City Treasurer in 1879 aud in 188U was elected County Clerk of Marion county by a very flattering ma- jority, and in 1882 he was the unanimous choice of the Republican County Convention for renomination, and his election followed, as a matter of course. He has surprised his most enthusiastic friends by the efficiency he has displayed in his official duties, and is universally respected as a faithful and obliging officer. The details of his office are carefully watched after, and the public interests have never been more carefully guarded in that office than they are under Mr. Chamberlin's careful management. Mr. Chamberlin is a man of about ordinary height, well-proportioned, with a face betokening good nature, partially protected by a beard of dark brown. He is still unmarried, although he has been in the matrimonial market for years. Having at a very early age started in life as a bachelor, he has from the force of habit kept, it up, and his lady friends are fearful lest he will never reform and adopt habits more in keeping with his natural love for the ease and luxury of a quiet home among loved ones. As a friend, he is as true as steel, as a neighbor he is much respected, and as a man his character is above reproach.


This gentleman is the present County Treasurer of Multnomah county, and as an instance of his popularity let it be known that he is now serving his sixth year in that position. He was born in Zauesville, Muskingirm Co., Ohio, in 1830, and received his education in his native town. In the year 1855, attracted by the visions of gold, he went to California, and remained in Trinity county and points adjacent for live years, digging for the jjrecious metal. At the breaking out of the war, Mr. Showers, then but thirty years of age, joined the Fourth Infantry, California Volunteers, aud served in that command until 1864, when he was mustered out at Wilmington, Los An- geles. He then came to Portland and vv'as in the employ of the railroad company for a number of years. In the year 1878 he was elected by the Republican party County Treasurer of Miiltnoraah, and has since been hon- ored with a re-election twice. He is well known throughout the county, stands well in his party and is secure in the friendship of our very best citizens.

HENRY O. BOYD, Of Portland, Oregon, was born in New Yoik in the year 1854. He came with his parents to Orfegon in 1860, and was educated in the common schools of this city. Since he has arrived at the age of maturity he has been en- gaged in the fire insurance business, and is at present the local agent for the Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Company. He was married to Miss Jose- phine Glenn, of Columbus, Ohio, in the year 188]. Although a young man, Mr. Boyd has been remarkably successful, and is at the present time doing a most flourishing business. He is socially a pleasant young gentleman, and has made numbers of friends in our city, and has a fine prospect in the future. His knowledge of underwriting was acquired under