Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/17

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the management of an extensive wholesale business in Eastern Oregon. He brings to the executive office a well-trained mind, exact business methods, and a keenness of perception in financial matters that qualify him to make at once a successful and popular Executive. With a, courteous manner that prompts him to accord a respectful hearing to all, he combines discrimination and firmness of purpose. Physically he is of a splendid type. He is of compact build, with a handsome, ruddy face that indicates sound health, a keen, sparkling eye, through which is displayed the cheerful and sociable nature, determined to extract all the good things from life consistent with sobriety, and an elastic step and a rapid movement that bespeak the busy man of affairs. One who lives well, appears well, and, in all, promises to do well, he brings to his office a popular manner, with a dignity and reserve such as the station demands. He is one who will make it his sole business to attend to the duties of his office, and will not use it as a stepping-stone to secure a greater prize. Judging from the nature of the man, from the habits which have characterized his business life, and from the disposition he has shown since entering upon the duties of the executive office, we are justified in predicting for him one of the most successful administrations known in the history of the State of Oregon.


There is perhaps no more responsible position in the State government of Oregon than that of Secretary of State, embracing, aa it does, the additional duties and responsibilities of Auditor and Comptroller in connection with his important duties as custodian of the Great Seal, and a more competent man than Mr. Earbart could not have been found to fill it. He appears peculiarly fitted by nature for the duties of public life, possessing that personal magnetism which affects to a more or less degree every one with whom he comes in contact. It seems to flow from him as naturally as light comes from the sun, and he is at all times brimming over with geniality and good humor. He is accustomed to look upon the bright side of life, and imparts the sunshine of good cheer to those about him. Whole-souled, genial and courteous, he gains staunch friends at every turn. Honest, upright and straightforward in all his dealings, he takes it for granted all men are the same until they show the cloven foot. He possesses the true instincts of a gentleman both in friendship and enmities, and in his official acts personal feelings never prompt results. He deals with all alike, and shows neither fear nor favor. Politics never come between himself and those with whom he has official dealings, and many of his staunchest friends and admirers are found in opposing political ranks. In his present position he has no friends to reward or enemies to punish, save such as earn favors at his hands which can be bestowed without in any measure compromising his official capacity. Punctuality and thoroughness are among the leading traits of his character, and it is to these qualities, added to his social worth, that he owes the popularity and respect which he has gained from the people of the State he so ably serves. Mr. Earhart was born in Franklin, Ohio, on the 23d day of June, 1837, and came to Ore-