Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/189

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of Mnltuomah couu+y, which position he held for seven years under the several administrations of Sheriff Al Zieber, C. Bills and J. M. Cay wood, in ■which office he made hosts of friends and an extensive ac(iuaintanccHhi|). In 1874 he was appointed Deputy Collector of Customs under Hon. H. W. Scott, vphich position he, held until 1880, when he was appointed InH[)octor of Steam Vessels, which position he now holds. Mr. Ward has a leyioii of warm friends in Multnomah county, where he resides, and as a citi'/cn he is universally respected. He is married and has an interesting? family, one of his sons occupyiupr a trustworthy position in the employ of the <). K. A- \. Company.


This gentleman is a native Oregouian, having been born at Or(!gon City in 1851. He passed the days of boyhood there, and finished his education at the University at Forest Grove, when he went east of the mountains and engaged in mining for three years. Desiring to perfect his commercial education he then came to Portland and went through a course at the Na- tional Business College, after which he was tendered a position as account- ant in the house of Wadhams & Elliott, wholesale grocers. He remained with this firm three years, and was esteemed by his employers as a reliable and capable book keeper. After resigning this position, he embarked in the general brokerage business, associating himself with Mr. Ferry. The new firm has now been in business but two years, and have already taken a foremost position in that line. They deal principally in real estate, and are the agents for the Oakland Home, of California, and the Metropole of Paris, Insurance Companies. Mr. White was married to Miss Emma Gilt- ner, daughter of Dr. J. S. Giltner, in 1876. Mrs. White is a very accom- plished lady, being a graduate of the Baltimore Femal"^ Institute, in music, painting and belles-lettres. Mr. White became a member of the Masonic order in 1876, and is present Master of Willamette Lodge No. 2, also a memher of Knights Templar. He is a nephew of Col. B. Jennings, who was the first G. M. of Masons in this State.


Was born at Newport, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1833. He moved with his parents to Franklin county, Indiana. While there he attended Asbury University, at Greencastle, and after leaving there he attended College at Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, for a term of three years. Immediately after college he commenced the study of law under Hon. John D. Howlaml, at Brookville, Indiana, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of that State a few years later. He was afterwards elected District Attorney of the Third Judicial District, and held the office one term. He moved m 1857 and opened an office at Albia, Monroe county, Iowa, where he practiced law for nineteen vears consecutively, and in 1867 he was honored by being elected Mayor of that city and held the office one term. He came to Oregon in 1874 and commenced the practice of law at Portland, where he has resided ever since. He was elected a member of the Common Council in 1.M77, and