Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/211

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commenced the practice of his professiou iu Porthiiul, remainiuir here ever since. Although Dr. Saylor is a general pi-actitiouer, he luw made a spe- cialty of surgery, and has performed some of the most diHicult operations on record. He was in 1872-3 Professor of Anatomy in Willamette Uiiiversity, and also Corresponding Secretary of tile Oregon State Medical Society for two years. Dr. Saylor is at the pres'^nt time, and has bec^n for the past four years, attending physician at the Good Samaritan Hospital; he is also a member of the G. A. E., having when the Union was in danger j( lined B Companjs Oregon Volunteers, with which command lie served one year as Hospital Steward. Dr. Saylor was married iu 1S78 to I\Iiss A. Wing, who was at the time Preceptress of the University at Forest (xrove; the Doctor lived happily with his young wife until the year 1S74, when she de- parted this life.


Present Collector of Customs at the city of Portland, was born in Blackland. Niagara county, New York, in 1836. He was reared to manhood at that i)lace. Leaving his native State, he traveled throughout the Western States for a number of years and came to Portland in 1862, and located in Polk county. In 1864 he was appointed Commissary, in the service of the Government, at Grande Ronde Indian Reservation, in Yamhill county, in which position he served until 1869, when he made a brief visit East. Returning in 1870, he received the appointment of Deputy Collector of Customs, by H. W. Scott, then Collector at Portland. In this position he remained with Mr. Scott and Mr. John Kelly, who succeeded the former, until his ai)pointment as superior officer in the same service, in 1880, by President Hayes. Mr. Shurt- liif was married to Miss Viola B. Morton in 1858. He is a gentleman of retiring manners, an excellent accountant, and is highly esteemed, both in private and official circles, where he is known. During many years of Government service he has retained an unsullied reputation for business tact, energy and honest dealing.

A. J. MARSHALL Was born in Baltimore, Maryland, February 11, 1832. He received a liberal education in his native State, and came to California in March, 184!t. Here he engaged in mining, express riding and other active business until Sep- tember, 1856, when he came to Oregon, where he has since resided. He was married to Miss Sarah E. Choat, iu Clackamas county, Oregon. Mr. Marshall is a prominent Odd Fellow, having attained the high degrees of Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State and Past Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encampment. He was the first Grand Patriarch chosen to that po- sition in Oregon. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, in good standing, holding, as he does at the present time, the important office of Secretary of Harmony Lodge, No. 12, of Portland, Oregon, oi which lodge he is Past Master. He is also a member of several other societies, and is noted for his activity, sagacity and usefulness in all to which he belongs. Mr. Marshall has filled many places of honor and trust, and has always acpiit-