Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/225

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Police Judge, Justice of the Peace, and City Assessor. In 1872 Judge Moreland was attached to the staff of the "Oregonian" as commercial editor. During the campaign of 18S() the leading ijai)er was under the sole editorial management of Judge Moreland, whose articles were well-timed, vigorous and trenchant, and stamped their author as a man of much ability. Judge Moreland is at present Police Magistrate in the city of Portland. In private, as in public, hfe he is universally respected and esteemed f.irliis many excellent qualities of head and heart.


Is the talented editor and proprietor of the Oregon Daily and Weekly "Statesman." His pen is an able and versatile one, and on many an occasion has proved itself " mightier than the trusted sword." He was born in Carroll county, Indiana, in the year 1880. Was raised on his father's farm, and prior to his majority received only the advantages of a common school education. In the year 1851 young William with his parents crossed the plains to the then far-off Oregon, driving an ox team all the way. When the family arrived here they located in Yamhill county, and the subject of this short sketch remained there with his parents till April, 1S5S, at which time he entered the Oregon Institute, now the Willamette University, where he spent two years drinking at the fonts of knowledge. After com- pleting his education he was married to Mrs. E. F. Thurston, and for five years subsequently he lived on his farm in Yamhill county. In September, 1860, Mr. and Mrs. Odell took charge of the Santiam Academy, where he remained three years; from thence they removed to Albany and took charge of the public schools of that city. In 1864 Mr. Odell removed to Eugene City and accepted the appointment of United States Deputy Surveyor, which position he retained till January, 1871, when he was api^ointed United States Surveyor General of the State of Oregon. He remained in this important office till 1874. He was honored by the Republican party of the State of Oregon in 1876 and made an elector on the Hayes and Wheeler ticket. In May, 1877, he embarked in the newspaper business, and by his ability as a writer and his sagacity as a business man, has made the "States- man" the influential journal that it is at the present time.


Editor of the Portland "Sunday Welcome," is well-known as one of the most promising journalists on the. coast. He was born in San Diego, Cali- fornia, May 1, 1850, and was the^ first American child ushered into ex- istence in that charming little town. He was educated at Santa Clara Col- lege, California, and finished at Harvard University, at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. He subsequently studied law in Philadelphia, but never embarked in the practice of that profession. He regularly esfxiused the trying i)nrKuit of journalism in 1875, having, however, pre^dously contributed to I^astcrn re- views and newspapers. Since Mr. Sutherland's connection with the daily press, he has represented the New York "Herald" as war correspondent in