Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/37

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of Major, which position he but recently resigned. On Mr. Earhart's reelection as Secretary of State in 1882, be re-appointed Mr. Hodgkin as his Assistant, which position he still hoJds. He is also the Salem correspondent of the Daily "Oregonian" and San Francisco "Chronicle," and is now serving his third year as Secretary of the Salem Fire Department. He was married September 2, 1874, to Miss Frankie A. Dunbar, youngest daughter of Hon. Rice Dunbar, deceased, and their family consists of four children. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W., luiving " passed the chairs" in both organizations. His latest venture in the literary line is the publication of the present volume of " Pen Pictures," of which lie is one of the authors.


Who during the past four years has acted as Assistant State Treasurer, and has just entered upon his second term in that capacity, is a man just in the prime of life, and one who is by nature endowed with the very qualifications necessary to make him successful in the responsible position he occupies as the guaidian and accountant of the public funds. He was born in Bris- tol, Indiana, December 9, 1844. His early life was a series of migratitms from point to point until 18G2, when he enlisted in Company I, Eighty- eighth Indiana Regiment, and in March, 1863, was discharged by reason of disabilities received while in service. In 1863, in company with his brother, A. Wheeler, Esq., now of Shedd's Station, he started for Oregon and reached Linn county in November of that year. In the Sirring of 1864 he was ap- pointed Deputy County Clerk of Linn county, where he remained imtil 1867, when he began reading law under Judge Powell. In 1868 he Avent to Salem and worked for a short time in the County Clerk's office, under George A. Edes, Esq. In 1868 he went to Corvallis and engaged in the photograph biis- iness, and in 1869 he taught school at Union Point, near Brownsville. He then went into the mercantile business with his brother at Brownsville, where he remained until 1871, when he disijosed of his interest in the store and went to Harrisburg and kept books for W. H. Baber, and afterwards for E. Cartwright, Esq., of Albany. He had meanwhile learned the art of tele- graphy, and in 1872 he was appointed by Hon. O. P. S. Plummer, then Dis- trict Superintendent, as manager of the office of the Western Union Tele- graph Company at Albany, where he remained for about one year, and in connection with P. H. Raymond, Esq., ran the postoffice and a book store in connection with the telegraph office. In October, 1873, he took charge of the Salem office, where he remained until September, 1878, when he ac- cepted his present position under Hon. Edward Hirsch, State Treasurer. In 1876 Mr. Wheeler was elected County Treasurer of Marion county, in which capacity he served for two years, and in connection with his other business was, and is still, agent for several first-class insurance companies. Mr. Wheeler has been twice married, the first time to Miss Laura Nealy, of Polk county, who died September 11, 1880. In .January, 1882, he was married to Miss Josie D. Stull, of South Bend, Indiana. He has one child, a daughter, by his first wife. Mr. Wheeler is a man of low stature and light frame, a