Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/58

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ermine, again resumed practice and is now acknowledged as one of the leading attorneys of the first district. He was elected Senator from Jackson county at the last general election, and was the Democratic caucus nominee for United States Senator, receiving thirty-three votes for that honorable position. He is considered one of the ablest men of that body.


Among those most prominent in the front ranks of the Democratic- party is Hon. John Myers, Senator from Clackamas county. He is clear-headed, and watches carefully every measure brought forward. He is a fluent speaker, a strict parliamentarian, possessing a retentive memory and is a strong partisan. He is considered a good financier, and, in connection with the revenue laws of the State, has given the svibject careful study. He is of heavy build, with clear-cut features, and his opinions on any subject never fail to receive the careful consideration of members of both political parties. He was born in Howard county, Missouri, in 1830, and was raised on a farm. He enlisted in the Mexican war in 1847, and was connected with the quarter- master's department for about a year. Returning home in 1848 he remained there until the spring of 1852, when he started for California, arriving in Stockton in October of the same year, where he engaged in mining and trading until January, 1857, when he was appointed Sheriff" and was after- wards elected to the same office. Impressed with the idea that Oregon offered superior advantages to young men, he moved here, arriving in Ore- gon City in August, 1860. While on a previous visit he was married to Miss Sarah J. Hood, of Oregon City. He settled there and entered the mercan- tile business, in which he has been engaged ever since. He was elected Sheriff of Clackamas county in 1868, and represented that county in the State Senate of 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, and has just been re-elected for another four years' term, his record in this respect indicating very forcibly the es- teem and confidence reposed in him by the citizens of the county he so ably represents. He has a family of ten children, with one daughter married. He is a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and has always contributed liberally to its support. He has attained the honorable posi- tion of Past Master in the Masonic order and has always been a successful business man, and is to-day one of the most influential men of Oregon City, the citizens holding him in high esteem as one of their leading merchants.

HON. HENRY HALL, Who represents Grant county in the Senate, is a plain, every-day sort of a man, such as commands the respect and esteem of those who have the wel- fare of the State at heart, and in whom they can with confidence repose the sacred trust of framing the laws for their governance. He is of low stature, dresses plainly, and is one of the quiet members of that honorable body. His vote, however, has been recorded on all important measures and has been cast after a careful consideration of the subject. He is of English birth, having first seen the light of day in Dorsetshire, England, in 1836.