Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/61

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settled near Dallas in 1868, where he has resided ever since and followed the avocation of a fanner. He was elected a member of the House in 1872 and in 1880 was elected as joint Senator from Benton and Polk counties. He served for a number of years as officer and member of the Board of Trustees of the La Creole Academy and has ever evinced a warm interest in educational matters. He is an honored member of the Masonic frater- nity, being- a Past (xrand Master of the jurisdiction of Ore^'on. He wus married in Polk county, in the sprint? of 1868, to Miss Caroline Sears, their family consisting of five girls and two boys. Mr. Clow is a good-looking man, of ordinary height, but heavy set, heavy beard, slightly tinged with gray. He is a ready speaker and commands the unqualihed respect of all who are fortunate enough to merit his actiuaintanceship.

HON. D. W. STEARNS, Who represents Douglas county in the Senate, is one of those sedate, thoughtful and easy-going kind of men who attain prominence because of their honesty and worth in the commimity in which they reside. He is a heavy, thick-set man of small stature, with very heavy, black whiskers, a deep-set eye and prominent features. His voice is rarely heard in debate, but he never shirks a vote and it is generally conceded has conscientiously endeavored to subserve the best interests of the county he represents. He was born in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, in 1821, and lived in Chishire county until he was about 21 years of age. Up to that time he had received but the ordinary educational advantages, but afterwards attended three terms in the high school. Went to Massachusetts in 18.43, where he was engaged in the mercantile business until 1849, when he started for Cali- fornia. He remained in the mines a few years, returning home in 1852, and came to Oregon in 1854, settling in Douglas county, where he has resided ever since. He was engaged in the mercantile and packing business until 1857, when he commenced farming. Was in the mines of Idaho Territory from 1860 to 1865. Returning to Douglas county he was nominated 0:1 the Republican ticket in 1872 as Representative, suSering defeat with the bal- ance of the ticket. Was in 1874 elected Representative on the Independent ticket, and in 1880 elected as State Senator. He was formerly a Democrat, but voted for Abraham Lincoln, and has since been a Republican. Was married in Belchertown, Massachusetts, on January 3, 184(5, to Miss Almira Fay, their family at present consisting of five sons.


The energetic young Senator who for the last four sessions has so ably rep- resented Douglas county, is comparatively a young man, but one whose ex- perience in that body has made him an influential and vahial^le member. He was born in Knoxville, Missouri, in November, l»-tS, and came with his parents across the plains in 1850. Their first year of pioneer life was si)ent in Portland, and in 1851 they moved to Douglas county, where he has since resided. He helped run his father's farm until 1865, when he commenced