Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/63

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d Ronde


Valley, about 20 miles from Union, where he has resided ever since, and has been engaged in farming and stock raising with well merited success. His energy, integrity and business capacity excited the adminition ot his neighbors, and in 1872 they elected him a member of the House of Repre- sentatives. His course in that body secured his re-election in 1874 and again in 1876. In 1880 he was elected State Senator, and is now serving the last half of his term. He is a well built man, of ordinary height, auburn hair and whiskers, broad and expansive forehead and a pleasant eye. He rarely indulges in debate, but his remarks demand attention when he does address the Senate. He is an earnest worker and takes pride in l)eing present whenever the Senate is in session. He was married in 1807 to Miss Mishy Duncan, of the Cove, and they have one child. We confidently ex- pect to see Mr. Wright returned to the Senate in 1H84, as he stands very high among his Democratic constituents of that county.