Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/75

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He fought during the entire war, and was tinder Generals Halleek and Grant at the battles of Shiloh, Siege of Corinth and the ViekHbiirg cam- paign in 18G8, and in 1864 he served under Sherman in the Atlanta cam- paign, and accompanied that gallant General on his march to the wea; he also fought in the campaign of the Carolinas. He was mustered out of ser- vice at Louisville, Kentuckj', and retxirned to Iowa, where he attended school for one year; then he removed to Kansas in ,186(5, where he remained eight years. While in Kansas the Indian war broke out, and young Sliarp immediately fell into line and fought it out with Custer. He came to Ore- gon in 1874 and settled in Clackamas county, Avhere he still resides, engaged in farming. Mr. Sharp was a member of the last Legislature and while a member of the House made a good record. He was married in 1869 to Miss Phoebe Freeman.


'■ Pitch thy behavior low, thy projects high. So shalt tliou humble and maf^nanimous be. Sink not in spirit, who aimeth at the sky Shoots higher much than he that means a tree."

—[Geo. Herbert.

These are golden words and should be impressed upon the tablets of every younc American's memory in imperishable letters. The subject of this brief notice knew the wisdom contained in them at an early age, and, it seems, wasted very little ,of his time. He was born on the bank of the Columbia river, near Portland, in 1855. During his early years he attended the public schools of Yamhill county, and having completed his preparatory studies, entered the Monmouth Christian college at the age of sixteen years, from which institution he graduated in 1874, sharing the highest gradu- ating honors. His inclination was for the law; so he entered on liis legal studies in the office of the eminent attorneys Dolph, Bronaugh, Dolpli & Simon, and pursued them so assiduously that he was admitted to the bar in 1879 at the age of twenty-four. Mr. Tanner is at present a practicing at- torney in the city of Portland, Multnomah county, which constituency he represents in the House. He jjossesses a, magnificent-speaking voice, his elocution is deliberate and impressive, and when experience shall have in- spired him with greater confidence in his own powers, he will use it to some effect in the political world; although at the present time Mr. Tanni^r is only twenty-seven years of age, he is recognized as one of the ablest mem- bers in the House, and when he takes the Hoor to discuss the merits of a measure, every word that he utters is listened to with marked attention ; he is the youngest member, and as a just recognition of his legal ability, has been appointed to fill the responsible position of Chiiirman of the Judiciary Committee. On the 25th of October, 1880, he was married to Miss Sarah M. Kelly, daughter of Hon. John Kelly, ex-Collector of Customs. Mr. Tanner's success in life is essentially that of his own making, being pos- sessed of those great and high attributes which inspire confidence and which command respect. In the near future he will occupy one of the very foremost positions as a party lead^^r and will bring to that cause which he espouses great strength and wise counsels. In politics, Mr. Tanner is a