Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/86

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Is a Republican Representative from Josephine county. From his infancy he has been identified with the farming interest, and is, therefore, peculiarly well quahfied to represent the people of his county. Since the begiunius; of the session, Mr. Thornton has been an industrious member, and has in- troduced some of the very best measures for the benefit of his constituency. He was born in Tippecanoe countj^ Indiana, in the year 1832. When thr' - years of age his father immigrated to Iowa, and became one of the farme' - of that State. Young Henry remained on the farm, occasionally attendini, school until the year 1853, when he came to Oregon, arriving here the samp year, after a tedious and dangerous journey across the plains. He settled in Umpqua coixnty, securing there a fine farm, and in the year 185S he was elected treasurer of the county. In *he year 1805 he was married to Miss Josephine Haines, and the following year he moved to Jackson county. He lived there until 1875 and then went to Josephine, where he has since re- sided. In the year 1877 he was elected Commissioner of that county, and Representative in 1882. Mr. Thornton has always maintained his reputa- tion as a consistent Republican, and a vigorous party worker. He is well acquainted with the routine business of legislation, is well posted on all subjects and has rendered valuable services to the people of his county.

HON. J. H BAUGHMAN, Of Marion county, was born and raised to manhood in Illinois. His edu- cational advantages were limited in the extreme. He emigrated to Oregon in 1850 and has ever since resided in Marion county. Naturally possessed of an investigating turn of mind, he gathered kn(.)wledge rapidly, ever keep- ing prominently in view the axiom that there never can be any real excel- lence without labor in any deportment of life. Very few read the news- papers with greater avidity than he, and still fewer have a higher apprecia- tion of their worth to those who in early youtli have been denied the rich boon that weekly or daily newspapers ci )ufer. Honest, upright and gener- ous to a fault, he soon became a marked man in his neighborhood. The temperance cause now coming iiu-o prominence always found in him a fast friend and a firm supporter, the Sabbath school an able teacher, and society generally one of God's best gifts, an honest man. In the person of Mr. Baughman, the people of Marion county have had a good Representative, and one who has done as much as any other to secure the passage of proper and effective legislation. Upon the floor of tJie House, he has done good service, and can have the satisfac^tion of knowing that the open record of votes has always found him on the side of the people.


One of the Representatives from Marion count)-, is a gentleman who is well quahfied by birth, attainments, capacity and connections to be a leader of the people. Born in Grand View, Illinois, in the year 1840, he attended the common schools of his native place and finished his education at W