Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/90

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from parliamentary difficulties. He was born iu Greenville, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in the year 1886, and is a fine and pleasant-looking gentleman with a clear eye and full, grayish beard, in the possession of the very best of health, physical and mental. After completing his preliminary studies he received a thorough medical education and graduated from the cele- brated JetJerson Medical College in Philadelphia at the age of twenty-one. He resided at Rock Island, Illinois, several years, and during the first two years of the rebellion rendered the Union valuable service in the hospital and telegraph service in the southwest. In 1863 he with his family crossed the plains and arrived in Portland in the spring of 1864, where he has since resided. Immediately after his arrival Dr. Plummer was tendered the posi- tion of first manager of the telegraph office after connection with San Fran- cisco was established. He continued in the telegraph service about ten years, during six and a half of which he filled the important position of Superintendent of the Third or Oregon district. As a surgeon Dr. Plummer established an enviable reputation, having performed many very difficult and trying operations, with remarkable skill and good judgment. A^'ith a dislike for the every-day cares of professional life and having a taste for business pursTiits, he some years ago launched into the drug business, and became the head of the well-known firm of Plummer & Byerley, of Portland. The Doctor is well known throughout the State, and he secured a reputa- tion for probity and business sagacity that commands him the respect of the business community, and in private life his character is without a blemish. He is a thorough Republican, firm in his conclusions and un- flinching in purpose.


Is one of the Representatives of Yamhill county. He is a representative business man in appearance, in action and in standing. Although this is his first experience in our legislative halls, he has a good knowledge of de- liberative proceedings, is a pleasing and polished talker and is blessed with the possession of good judgment. He was born in the Pine-tree State, in the year 1843, and lived there with his parents until he was eight years of age, when the family removeel to California and took up their residence in the quiet little village of Centerville, Alameda county. There he attended the schools for a period of five years, when he went to San Leandro and became a telegraph operator which position he held two years, and then went to Oakland, the beautiful little sister city of San Francisco. He lived in Oakland some time, and then seeing a good business opening he started for Portland as the agent of the Perkins & House non-explosive lamp. In the introduction of this article he met with great success, and was enabled to embark in an extensive grocery business on corner of Third and Yamhill streets. After remaining in his new quarters one year, he went to Gaston, Washington county, Oregon, thence to North Yamhill, and finally to Carl- ton, in the same county, where he now lives, engaged in the general mer- chandise business, and honored by his fellow-citizens as their Representative in the House. Mr. Marstou has traveled around considerably, and w