Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/94

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goveinment was organized, he was re-elected sheriff, which office he held four years. After Oregou was admitted as a State, he was elected county clerk of Polk county, which office he held one term, meantime studying law and becoming an attorney. In 1877 he moved to Wasco county, from which place be was sent as a Eepresentative to the present Legislature. During the present exciting senatorial election, it was sought to attempt to secure his vote for a certain candidate by the promise of a large amount of money, but the great heart of the man throbbed with indignation, and he forthwith made public the base proceeding, and, after an examination and investiga- tion before a special committee appointed by the House, his course was commended as that of a high-minded and honorable gentleman. Mr. Nichols was married in 1850 to Miss Sarah Ann Gilliam. He is at present a practicing attorney in Prineville.


Whatever of praise may be due to the man who has, with the advantages of a collegiate education and abundant leisure for after study, risen to a position jf honor and trust in the government of the country, we must re- cord still greater meed of praise to the youth, who, without those advan- tages?, Lfis struggled with the waves of adversity, and, by sheer force of ambition and native integrity, has attained an education and elevated him- self into a position of honor by the suffrages of his fellow citizens. The former is entitled to commendation for the ripened culture of the mind^ while on the latter we must bestow the praise due to force of character and singleness of purpose. The Hon. Frank A. Stewart started in life without any of these advantages. He is indebted to no man for the mental gifts which he possesses, and the degree of erudition to which he has attained. He is a plain-spoken man, thoroughly independent and honest in his deal- ings with his fellow man. Frank was bom in Gass county, Illinois, in 1843, and emigrated to Oregon with his parents in 1854, and in that same year was left an orphan by the death of his mother. He resided from 1855 to 1858 with W. C Brown at Dallas, Polk county. He was educated at Bel- passi, Marion county, and after going through the course of instruction in the schools, became a professional teacher, which calling he followed for several years. He went to Curry county in 186(), and has resided there ever since. He was for ten years a merchant at Ellensburg, during which time he established a reputation for probity and good character unblemished. During his varied career in Oregon, Mr. Stewart has also been engaged in salmon Ashing, mining, lumbering, etc. He has also been a contributor to many of our leading journals, and his articles and poems have been very widely copied. At present he is residing on a stock farm at his home in Curry county, and is engaged in the occupation of stock-raising and raining.