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Fig. 56. Coxa of swimming leg of Mycterops sp. Specimen in Konecny collection; × 2.
integument, is also recorded (fig. 55). Other than to call attention to the presence of this very unusual eurypterid in the Mazon Creek fauna, little can be discerned from the fragments known. The genus is represented in the Darlington shales of the Allegheny Group in Pennsylvania and is also known in Europe (Kjellesvig-Waering, 1959, p. 251).
Specimens.—The coxa is in the collection of James Konecny of Mokena, Illinois; the fragment of integument is registered as no. PE 6171 in Chicago Natural History Museum. Both are from the strip mines on the Will-Grundy County line.
Augusta, J., and Přibyl, A. | |
1951. Nalezu Zbytku Eurypterida V, Ostravskem Karbonu. Ceská Spol. Nauk, Věstník, Tř. mat.-přírod., 10, no. 9, 9 pp., 1 pl. | |
Caster, K. E., and Kjellesvig-Waering, E. N. | |
1956. Some notes on the genus Dolichopterus Hall. Jour. Pal., 30, no. 1, pp. 19–29, 1 fig., pl. 4. | |
Clarke, J. M. | |
1909. Fifth report of the Director of the Science division. . . . New York State Mus., Bull., 133, pp. 35–38, pls. 1–2. | |
Clarke, J. M., and Ruedemann, R. | |
1912. The Eurypterida of New York. New York State Mus., Mem., 14, pp. 1–439, 121 figs., 88 pls. | |