Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 4.djvu/98

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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61.  From December 1955 on, MAAG reports either implicitly or explicitly assigned the counter-aggression mission to the Vietnamese Army. In December 1955 the MAAG reported that the VNA would have the capability to delay a Viet Minh attack across the 17th parallel for 60 days following a year's concentrated training of a 10-division force. MAAG Country Statement for 1955, December 1955 (S).
62.  SNIE 63–6-54, 15 September 1954 (S).
63.  cf. particularly "Report of the SMM August 1954–August 1955 (S). By April 1956, NIE 63.1–2-55 (TS) reported that "French policy is openly committed to the replacement of Diem at the earliest possible opportunity...." Although U.S. policy toward Diem was variable, French policy, however negative, seemed to enjoy the virtue of consistency.
64.  NIE 63.1–2-55, 26 April 1955 (TS).
65.  Ely, Général D'Armeé Paul, Memoires, L'Indochine Dans La Tourmente, Chapters XI and XII.
66.  Msg, Heath to SECSTATE, 1761, 8 November 1954 (S); Msg, Collins sgd Kidder to SECSTATE, 1830, 15 November 1954, DA-IN-99015 (16 November) (TS). JCS History.
67.  Msg, ROA Washington sgd Stassen to USAMB Paris, USAMB Saigon, USFOTO 263, 24 November 1954 (C). JCS History.
68.  Msg, Dillon to SECSTATE, 2433, 8 December 1954 (TS). JCS History.
69.  NIE 63.1–3-55, 11 October 1955 (S).
70.  JCS History.
71.  NIE 63.1–3-55, 11 October 1955 (S).
72.  New York Times, May 12, 1955.
73.  Denis Warner, The Last Confucian, pp. 107–108.
74.  Matthew B. Ridgway, The Korean War, p. 191.
75.  NIE 63–7-54, 23 November 1954 (S).
76.  Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Retention and Development of Forces in Indochina," 22 September 1954 (TS).
77.  Msg, Collins sgd Kidder to SECSTATE, 1830, 15 November 1954, DA-IN-99015, (16 November) (TS), JCS History.
78.  Ibid.
79.  Ibid.
80.  Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Indochina," 17 November 1954 (TS).
81.  Report to SECSTATE from J. Lawton Collins, Special Representative in Vietnam, "Report on Vietnam for the National Security Council," January 20, 1955 (TS). The above is from "Supplement to the Report on Vietnam by Gen. J. Lawton Collins," (S).
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