Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. B. 1.djvu/191

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1. Saigon message 421, 1 October 1961

2. Saigon message 1743, 15 May 1961

3. Vice President Johnson Memorandum for the President, 23 May 1961

4. Lansdale Memorandum for Gilpatric, 18 May 1961, Subject: "Vietnam."

5. President Diem Letter to President Kennedy, 9 June 1961

6. Joint Action Program Proposed by the Vietnam-United States Special Financial Groups, undated, but submitted to President Kennedy approximately July 25.

7. NSAM 65, 11 August 1961

8. Lansdale Memorandum for Gilpatric, 18 May 1961, Subject: "Vietnam."

9. According to notes in the Task Force files. We do not have citations for the JCS Memorandum or McGarr's messages. Lansdale's Memorandum to Gilpatric also alludes to such proposals.

10. Saigon message 1803, 27 May 1961

11. Diem Letter to Kennedy, 9 June 1961

12. Sorenson, Kennedy (Harper & Rowe), p. 736

13. Note found in Secretary of Defense files.

14. NIE 14.3/53-61, 15 August 1961, "Prospects for North and South Vietnam."

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. State Department, "First 12-Month Report," 1 September 1961

18. Schlesinger, op. cit., p. 544

19. Saigon message, 29 September 1961

20. Quoted from an untitled, mimeographed paper in Secretary of Defense's files. The only marking on the paper is the usual note "Secretary of Defense has seen." Probably it was a product of a Laos, or Southeast Asia working group.

21. Ibid.

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