Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/116

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he is really your slave and that you find yourself out of luck and you would want him, not to forget you, his master, as it is his duty to help you.

And because he will make fun of you and try to drive you out of the tribunal for these words, you turn to the Sultan and you will say, "Sire, I demand justice, and ask you that you will not allow that your counselor whose master I really am has made me suffer so gravely as a reward for the many skills that I have taught him during childhood from the time that I bought him on the slave market. These skills have enabled him to obtain an honorable rank from you. As I find myself now in a poor condition and I ask him for some help, he shamefully drives me away from your presence. And if you happen not to believe me that it is true what I am telling you and that he is my slave, I will give you this signal that as soon as I bought him, I made him a Muslim and I marked him on the buttocks with a branding iron. And if this is otherwise, I will be happy to die by whatever harsh death you choose."

Rammo told the good man: "After you speak these words the counselor will come to you for I marked his buttocks with the branding iron with my own hands when a few days ago he and I were alone in a room together. When he hears you tell the truth he will want to escape the shame of baring his buttocks to the magistrate.