Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/132

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He received her smilingly and had a fine meal prepared and sat with her at the table. And they entertained themselves there for a good while with songs and music. And because it was already late, they rose from the table and the prince took her by the hand and led her to bed. Suddenly, when he went to bed, he indicated that he was tired and pretended to fall asleep. The loose woman, whose mind was on her groom, saw this, took her clothes and quietly rose from the bed, as she had done before, and went to the staircase which led to the stable. She went downstairs, expecting that the groom was waiting for her there as he had before, and she laid down beside the ferocious mule. When he became aware of her, the mule attacked her so fiercely with his hooves and his teeth that in a short while he caused her a harsh and cruel death.

The following day, the servants who remained with the groom reported the incident to the Prince. While outwardly he showed great sorrow, he was incredibly glad.

And because he had decided to have the other two young women die, he had the one whose dwelling was above the kitchen come to his quarters. And as with the other one who had been killed by the mule, they dined and entertained themselves and they went to bed late. But first, he had given the order to one of his trusted servants to immediately remove the first four steps of the stairs leading to the kitchen.