Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/137

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But when the girl reached the age of twelve and had acquired all the skills required for such an age, her father removed her from the school and had her cared for by her mother at home.

This was very painful above anything else for Feristeno who saw himself separated from the one he loved so much and he felt that he was dying of passion. This continued for a year and each day he felt his heart being pierced by his love for her and he tried to let her know this in whatever way possible. So, he expertly composed a bouquet of roses and other flowers in which her face with such liveliness could be seen and had it delivered to her secretly by one of his servants.

When Giulla received such a rare and noble gift from her Feristeno whom she loved above else, she kissed it many times. She then ran into her garden immediately where she collected many flowers and arranged them in a bouquet which portrayed her own face and that of Feristeno and had it sent to him by the same servant.

Feristeno saw this with great joy; nevertheless, because of the great love he felt for her he was overcome by a serious illness soon thereafter. When the father became aware that the great love that his son had for Giulla was the cause of his illness he let her father immediately know this. The latter found himself in the same situation.