Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/141

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But the righteous God, guardian of the innocence of the young man, wanted to free him from the unjust sentence of the king. And to console the miserable and sorrowful father, the following way was found for his escape. The tutor of Feristeno had a son, named Giassemen, who, among many other talents, possessed the skill of digging tunnels with one of his rods, so that in a very short time he could make three or four miles of passages. And in this way, he could break through any big wall and restore it in such a way that nobody, however observant, could ever have noticed it. This young man had lately returned from a long journey on the very day the misadventure occurred to Feristeno. And when he heard of the cruel and injust sentence the King had given him, and because of his tender love for Feristeno, he decided to liberate him with his skill. And he went to his father's residence and consoled him by telling him of his plan.

When night fell, Giassemen went towards the place where Feristeno was imprisoned, taking the rod in his hand. He made an underground passage to the prison where, after he had broken through the wall, found the miserable young man in holy prayer. He called him and took him by the hand and after a lengthy persuasion he begged him to be cheerful and promised him that he would be able to enjoy Giulla with ease. In this way he took him away from the prison after he had restored the wall to its previous state and led him to the old and sorrowful father.