Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/147

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He ordered that she would stay in secret custody with Achel in a location, called Giulistano, in the royal palace garden.

It was not far from another location where the King's own daughter was also imprisoned. No person was allowed to enter there, except for an old woman, who was in charge of that location because of her expertise in gardening.

The sorrowful Giulla stayed there in prayers and supplications, following the counsel of her confessor. It so happened that the King's daughter who had heard of the arrival of Giulla from the old lady, expressed that she wanted to talk to her. She affectionally begged her father for permission which was easily granted. She communicated this to Giulla through one of her maids. This was received by her with a happy smile. They talked about a variety of matters for quite a while, including also at length also about Giulla's misfortune from the beginning. The King's daughter was moved with great sympathy when she heard Giulla talk with great frankness about her miseries. She also mentioned the death of her uncle, the imprisonment of her husband and the long time that her father had kept her locked up. And the two young women became very intimate with each other and spent a great part of the day together.