Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/161

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that the more he watched her, the more he saw how similar she was to some extent to the wife of the young merchant, who lived in Giassamen's palace. And having finished his conversation, he thought by what signal he could ascertain himself of her. He took her by the hand and pretending to want to caress her, he squeezed her right arm in such a manner that the flesh turned black and blue. After he left her, he immediately went to Giassemen's palace.

But Giulla was frightened by this sign and returned to the other palace faster than the King via the secret tunnel. She showed her arm to her husband and Giassemen and told them that the King had caused it to be painful. But Giassemen who excelled in more than one skill told her, "Don't be afraid, mistress, because I will be able to quickly return your livid flesh now to its previous color." And he immediately went into the garden and found a certain herb with which he touched the bruise which the King had so astutely caused and the flesh became beautiful and soft once more.

Giulla was overjoyed beyond measure by this. She dressed in other clothes again and adorned herself with jewels and went into the courtyard with her husband and with Giassemen to meet the King. He happily received the greetings and addressed the young woman as follows, "Please, most beautiful lady, before we sit down at the table, I am asking you a favor with your husband's permission and that is that you show me your right arm publicly to remove a great doubt from me."