Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/166

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So, he sent his ambassadors to assure them of their safety under the new King.

Giulla recounted the story from its beginning. And the King thanked Almighty God for the immense graces he had received. He wanted to satisfy the vow of his wife and immediately accepted the faith of Christ with her. The counselors, having witnessed the miracles, did likewise and in a short time all the peoples of the cities and the towns in his land were baptized. The wedding was celebrated once more according to the rituals of the Roman church. The King wanted also that Giassemen who was responsible for his achieving such high office should marry Achel, the faithful companion of Giulla. And a solemn and great feast was announced in which everyone from near and far away towns participated. At the end of the festivities the King made Feristeno and Giassemen patrons of great treasure. And the King and his wife lived as true Christians, and they continually rendered endless thanks to Our Lord for the great benefits they had received.

Beramo had already recovered his previous health when the sixth storyteller was at the end of his story. He commanded his majordomo that the whole court was to appear early the following morning on Sunday dressed in gold clothing, at the seventh palace, which likewise was adorned with gold trimmings. The barons listened to the order of the Lord and everyone was ready to obey.