Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/52

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I heard him frequently discuss with his barons the possibility, that a man could eat in one day a whole warehouse of salt, but that he had never been able to meet such a man. Now, knowing you to be prudent and wise, I think, that you will be able to solve this enigma for me and I beg you to do that." To these words, the second brother responded, saying, "Madam, because I see that you greatly desire to have this clarified, I tell you that it will be very easy to eat a whole warehouse of salt in a day, and I offer to do so myself, whenever you wish."

The Queen greatly admired this, having observed the great intelligence of the young men, and she ordered her barons to have this proven the following day. They agreed to the command and rose early in the morning and went to the palace where the young men resided. They took them to the warehouse where the salt was stored, and ordered the ministers in charge to open the door immediately. The young man entered without any hesitation and wetted the tip of one hand with saliva. He placed it on top of the salt, and removed a few grains, ate it, and turned to the barons and said, that they should close the warehouse since he had done what was required of him.

Everyone greatly admired it but could not believe that with this act the young man had kept the promise made.