Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/57

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After Beramo heard all of this, he let them come immediately into his presence, and he thanked them endlessly for the Mirror that they had brought back. And he told them of the misfortune caused by Diliramma, and asked if they, with their intelligence and wisdom, could find a remedy for his illness. Because, if they could not help him, it was very certain that in a very short time he would pass away since up till the present time no man had been found who had been able to provide a remedy for his illness.

And after he ended his discourse, the young people showed great regret because of his illness, and the eldest of them said to him, "Sire, I hope that a remedy for this misfortune will soon present itself, and it will be this: not far away from this city you have a great and delightful land area. Here is what needs to be done if you want to recover your health. Have seven beautiful palaces of various colors be constructed in which you will stay an entire week, sleeping one night in each, starting on Monday."

"And beyond that," said the second brother, "send seven of your ambassadors into the seven climates of the world, and return from there with seven virgins, daughters of the most important princes who reside there. Place each of them in one of the palaces and pass the time of the week entertaining them with sweet and pleasant conversation."