Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/78

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But so that you are sure that I wish to please you in every way, I want you to understand that if you prove that you can be as proficient with the bow and arrows as I am, I will certainly have your name be engraved on the coins." And because she was very accomplished in archery, since she had practiced this skill continually as a child, she happily accepted the King's proposal.

One evening after supper he had led her into a great hall, at the end of which he had placed a rather small basin which he first showed her. After he told her that three arrows had to be shot into it, he withdrew with her to the other end of the room and ordered that the lights were to be dimmed. He pulled the huge bow and shot three arrows into it. The sound was clearly heard when the basin was struck. Having done that, the Queen took her bow in the hand and she also shot three arrows. One could hear the sound of the first one but not the sounds of the second and third strikes. The King was extremely happy about that since he was led to believe that the second, and third arrow had not hit the basin, and he said to himself, "Now that I have freed myself from the arduous demand of the woman, I will no longer be bothered by her in the future and she will not be able to refuse me when I want to enjoy her."

And he had the lights uncovered and looked at his own three arrows, the sound of which had been heard, as they passed through three parts of the basin.