Pericles Prince of Tyre.
ter might have beene: My Queenes square browes, her stature to an inch, as wandlike: straight, as siluer voyst, her eyes as Iewell-like, and caste as richly, in pace an other Iuno. Who starues the eares shee feedes, and makes them hungrie, the more she giues them fpeech, Where doe you liue?
Mar.Where I am but a straunger from the decke, you may discerne the place.
Per.Where were you bred? and how atchieu'd you these indowments which you make more rich to owe?
Mar.If I should tell my hystorie, it would seeme like lies disdaind in the reporting.
Per.Prethee speake, falsnesse cannot come from thee, for thou lookest modest as iustice, & thou seemest a Pallas for the crownd truth to dwell in, I wil beleeue thee & make senses credit thy relation, to points that seeme impossible, for thou lookest like one I loued indeede: what were thy friends? didst thou not stay when I did push thee backe, which was when I perceiu'd thee that thou camst from good discending.
Mar.So indeed I did.
Per.Report thy parentage, I think thou saidst thou hadst beene tost from wrong to iniurie, and that thou thoughts thy griefs might equall mine, if both were opened.
Mar.Some such thing I sed, and sed no more, but what my thoughts did warrant me was likely.
Per.Tell thy storie, if thine considered proue the thousand part of my enduraunce, thou art a man, and I haue suffered like a girle, yet thou doest looke like patience, gazing on Kings graues, and smiling extremitie out of act, what were thy friends? howe lost thou thy name, my most kinde Virgin? recount I doe beseech thee, Come sit by mee.
Mar.My name is Marina.
Per.Oh I am mockt, and thou by some insenced God sent hither to make the world to laugh at me.
Mar. Patience