Page:Persian manual pocket companion 1877.djvu/14

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made by anyone to bring out a work, systematically arranged, treating of the rendering of English into Persian.

5. At the present time, the only books which at- tempt to treat of the rendering of English sentences into Persian are the following :

(a) "The Persian Mūnshī," by Dosā-Biyā,ī Surābjī, a Pārsī.

This book contains 1117 sentences, rendered in Hindūstānī, Sindhī and Persian. The sentences are not arranged alphabetically, nor so as to express the rendering of a certain dominant word ; they are simply grouped together under six heads, Introductory, Mercantile, Medical, Judicial, Military and Miscellaneous.The work is roughly lithographed on bad Indian paper. The renderings in lithographed oriental character are not easy for a beginner to decipher. But for the arrangement and the way in which it is got up it would be an excellent work. It can be obtained from Messrs. Thacker and Co., of Bombay, for 6½ rupees.

(6) " Modern Persian," by an Officer of the Hai- derabad Contingent, revised by Mīrza Zainul 'Abadīn Shīrāzī.

This is a small book, printed in Bombay in 1871 ; it contains 1769 sentences, without any arrangement whatever ; the vowel points in the oriental character (which is not transliterated) have all been omitted, making it very difficult for a beginner to pronounce the words. It may be obtained from Messrs. Thacker and Co., of Bombay, for 10 rs.