Page:Persian manual pocket companion 1877.djvu/50

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ki, who? kirā, whom? to whom?
(applicable to persons.)

chi, what? chirā, what? to what? why?
(applicable to things.)
Sing. or Plural.
kudām, which ? out of any number ; as --
kudām shakh, which person ?
kudām rāh, which road ?

31. These are all indeclinable.

chand, some.

yake, one, some one.

shakes, a person.

has, some one.

hech, any.

hama, all.

tane chand, sundry individuals.

har, every, all.

liar anki or harki, whosoever.

liar kudam, whosoever, whichsoever.

harchi, whatsoever.

har kuja or harja, wheresoever.

harkas, everybody.

haryak, everyone.

hard-it, both.

har cMz, whatsoever thing.

har shab, every night.

har ruz, every day.

har wakt, whensoever.

bahar hot, however.

Relative Pronouns

32. There are no Eelative Pronouns ; the parti- cles &$ ki, for persons, and a^ clii, for things, are