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Page:Personal and Political Ballads (IA rebelrhymesrhaps00moor).pdf/265

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Up from the sleep of years, and fightWhile treason's banner is in sight,And shout: "Let God maintain the right!"Maryland! Our Maryland!
We come with banner, lance and sword,Maryland!To guard the soil by Wirt adored,Maryland!In God alone we place our trust,Blood on our sword instead of rust,Our star flag shall not trail in dust,Maryland! Our Maryland!
Up for the conflict, one and all,Maryland!Earth will be darkened like a pall,Maryland!When black disunion's flag shall wave,No soul to dare, no arm to save.Above the free soil of the brave,Maryland! Our Maryland!
Let the drums beat "to arms! to arms!"Maryland!Leave cottage homes, and shops, and farms,Maryland!