Page:Personality (Lectures delivered in America).djvu/57

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"The night is like a dark child just born of her mother day. Millions of stars crowding round its cradle watch it, standing still, afraid lest it should wake up."

I am ready to go on in this strain, but I am interrupted by Science laughing at me. She takes objection to my statement that stars are standing still.

But if it is a mistake, then apology is not due from me but from those stars themselves. It is quite evident that they are standing still. It is a fact that is impossible to argue away.

But science will argue, it is her habit. She says, "When you think that stars are still, that only proves that you are too far from them."

I have my answer ready, that when you say that stars are rushing about, it only proves that you are too near them.

Science is astonished at my temerity.