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2. We are likewiſe obliged hereunto in point of Intereſt. The benefits which we expect to be derived and aſſured to us by this Sacrament are all the bleſſings of the new Covenant, the forgiveneſs of our ſins, the grace and aſſiſtance of God's holy Spirit, to enable us to perform the conditions of this Covenant required on our part; and the comforts of God's holy Spirit to encourage us in well-doing, and to ſupport us under ſufferings; and the glorious reward of eternal life. So that in neglecting this Sacrament we neglect our own intereſt and happineſs, we forſake our own mercies, and Judge our ſelves unworthy of all the bleſſings of the Goſpel; and deprive ourſelves of one of the beſt means and advantages of confirming and conveying theſe bleſſings to us. So that if we had not a due ſenſe of our duty, the conſideration of our own intereſt ſhould oblige us, not to neglect ſo excellent and ſo effectual a means of promoting our own comfort and happineſs.

3. We are likewiſe particulary obliged in point of Gratitude to the carefull obſervance of this Inſtitution. This was the particular thing our Lord gave in charge, when he was going to lay down his life for us, Do this in remembrance of me. Men uſe religiouſly to obſerve the charge of a dying friend, and unleſs it be very difficult and unreaſonable, to do what he deſires: But this is the charge of our beſt friend (nay of the greateſt friend and benefactor of all mankind) when he was preparing himſelf to die in our ſtead, and to offer up himſelf a ſacrifice for us; to undergo the moſt grievous pains and ſufferings for our ſakes, and to yield up himſelf to the worſt of temporal Deaths. That he might deliver us from the bitter pains of eternal Death. And can wedeny