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Word of God: I ſay we cannot well conceive how they who celebrated it ſo conſtantly, could allot any more time for ſolemn preparation for it, than they did for any other part of divine worſhip: And conſequently that the Apoſtle, when he bids the Corinthians examine themſelves, could mean no more than that conſidering the nature & ends of this inſtitution they ſhould come to it with great reverence; and reflecting upon their former miſcarriages in this matter, ſhould be carefull upon this admonition to avoid them for the future, and to amend what had been amiſs; which to do requires rather reſolution and care than any long time of preparation.

I ſpeak this, that devout perſons may not be intangled in an apprehenſion of a greater neceſſity than really there is of a long & ſolemn preparation every time they receive the Sacrament. The great neceſſity that lyes upon men is to live as becomes Chriſtians, and then they can never be abſolutely unprepared. Nay I think this to be a very good preparation; and I ſee not why men ſhould not be very well ſatisfied with it, unleſs they intend to make the ſame uſe of the Sacrament that many of the Papiſts do of Confeſſion and Abſolution, which is to quit with God once or twice a year, that ſo they may begin to ſin again upon a new ſcore.

But becauſe the Examination of our ſelves is a thing ſo very uſefull, and the time which men are wont to ſet apart for their preparation for the Sacrament is ſo advantageous an opportunity for the practice of it; therefore I cannot but very much commend thoſe who take this occaſion, to ſearch and try their ways, and to callthem-