Firſt, of the Perpetuity of this Inſtitution;
this the Apoſtle ſignifies
I Cor. II. 26. when he ſaith, that by eating
this bread, and drinking this
cup, we do ſhew the Lord's death till he come.
Secondly, Of the Obligation that lyes upon ⟨all⟩ Chriſtians to a frequent obſervance of this Inſtitution; this is ſignified in that expreſſion ⟨of⟩ the Apoſtle, as often as ye eat this bread, ⟨and⟩ drink this cup ; Which expreſſion conſidered and compared together with the practice of the Primitive Church, does imply an obligation upon Chriſtians to the frequent recelving of this Sacrament.
Thirdly , I ſhal endeavour to ſatisfie the Objections and Scruples, which have been raiſed in the minds of men; and particularly of many devout and ſincere Chriſtians, to their great discouragement from their receiving this Sacrament, at leaſt ſo frequently as they oughtː Which Objections are chiefly grounded upon what the Apoſtle ſays, Wherefore whoſoever ſhal eat ⟨this⟩ bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord: and doth eat and drink damnation to himſelf.
Fourthly, What Preparation of our ſelves is neceſſary in order to our worthy receiving of this Sacrament: which will give me occaſion to explain the Apoſtle's meaning in theſe words Ver. 28. But let a man examine himſelf, and ⟨ſo⟩ let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
1. For the Perpetuity of this Inſtitution, implyed in thoſe words, For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do ſhew forth the Lord's death till he come; or the Words may be read imperatively, and by way of precept, Shew