Page:Peter's repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.pdf/16

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defending, and rewarding us for speaking the truth, or punishing us if we speak falsely: all which are so peculiar to God, as that they can no way be communicated or ascribed to another; so that, in swearing by any of these things, thou committest idolatry in an high degree, and thou spoilet and robbest God of his glory, the most impious kind of theft; and in a manner dethronest him; and makest an idol in his room: and as, to swear by the creature, makes the sin more heinous, so the more mean and vile the things are which you swear by, as by my fey, by cock, and by hare's foot, and by cheese, and such like childish oaths, which are so much in use with the ignorant and superstitious people; the greater is your sin in swearing by such an oath, because you ascribe that unto these the basest of creatures, which is only proper to God, namely, to know your hearts, and to be a discerner of secret things. Why else should you call that creature as witness to your conscience, that sees you speak the truth, and lie not, which only belongeth to God: and, therefore, the Lord calls it, forsaking of him, as you may see what he saith Jer. v. 7. 'How shall I pardon thee for this? Thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods.' And so make it a small matter to forsake, and to make a god of the creature, will ye believe the prophet Amos? if you will, he saith, speaking of them that swore by the sin of Samaria, that they should fall and never rise again,' Amos viii.