Page:Peter's repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.pdf/8

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Blessed be thou who art the triumphant conqueror of hell, Hos. xiii. 14. the vanquisher of the devil, Matth. iv. 10. the conqueror and destroyer of death, I Cor. xv. 55. and redeemer of them that were in darkness, and in the shadow of death, Luke i. 79. All ye that be thirsty, come unto the waters, and you that have neither gold nor silver, come and receive all these precious treasures free, without paying any thing, Isa. lv. i. This is the water of life, which spring out of the everlasting rock, the rock of defence to all that believe in Christ our Lord, who is the enduring rock of our salvation in this world, and in the world to come. Amen.

But now Peter wept for his sins, and confessed his faults before God, by repenting of his sinful actions, which he had committed against God, he was taken for one of evil behaviour, and as one that kept evil company; for they said, 'He receiveth sinners, and eateth with them,' Matth. vi. 19. This is the lowliness and meekness of our Lord and blessed Redeemer, who hath redeemed us from all evil, and looked upon Peter in mercy and love; for, if Christ had not called Peter by repentance, Peter had been a damned creature for falling into so great a sin: for he did utterly deny Christ by lying and swearing, which are great sins, and without repentance cannot be forgiven. Christ hath commanded us to repent, Matth. iii. 2. And saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' And, Matth. vi 8. 'At that time